How To Find The Commercial Chip Cutter?

commercial chip cutter australia


If you have a chip shop, you obviously need a Commercial Chip Cutter in Australia or anywhere. However, some shop owners look for pre-cut potatoes, buying more money-saving. If you want a quality chip cutter, here is the buying guide.

Chip Cutter Capacity: 

Considering the capacity is essential for a commercial chip cutter. This means looking for the quantity of potatoes to slice at one time. The capacity depends on the business size as well. A busy quick-service restaurant requires larger capacity commercial chip cutters than a single-unit shop.

Size of the Machine: 

The next important factor is the chip cutter size. Larger ones will make it easier for commercial kitchens, chip factories, and restaurants. The trade-off capacity here matters the most when looking up the commercial chip cutter machine.


Go with needs over the chip cutter, like manual or automatic. This even makes a big difference in business requirements. Every type of chip cutter has its advantages and disadvantages. Typically, chip cutters are manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic, including the design and installation of different features like controls, cutter settings, etc.

Maintenance & Durability: 

Chip cutters need to be regularly cleaned, thus needing efficiency with their maintenance. Typically, commercial chip cutters from good manufacturers will be easy to maintain. The durability is also hand-in-hand with material like stainless steel, which is easy to clean. The warranty is also a next-level help that is a must with commercial chip cutters.

The Final Verdict:

You can quickly look for commercial chip cutters in Australia. Whatever size of your potato chip-selling business, there is a need for a chip cutter. The above buying guide is incredibly best before you invest in a poor-quality or featureless chip cutter machine.


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